What is a warehouse security?

Warehouse security is a critical component for any modern business dealing with hardware products. All hardware equipment and products are stored in warehouses, typically far away from where distribution of the equipment takes place.

What tasks will our guards perform on site in the case of warehouse security?

  • Carpark supervision
  • Visual deterrent
  • Access control
  • Receiving and managing deliveries
  • CCTV Surveillance
  • Conducting periodical patrols
  • Conducting patrols
  • Safety Supervision

Why is security important in this industry?

Effective and reliable workplace security is very important to any business because it reduces insurance, compensation, liabilities, and other expenses that the company must pay to its stakeholders, ultimately leading to increased business revenue and a reduction in operational charges incurred.

Law breaking criminals target industrial and warehouse sites on a regular basis. Industrial sites and warehouses are a tempting target for thieves and vandals. The reasons for this are due to:

  • The often-remote location of the site
  • The high cost of the goods stored on site
  • Long lengths of time during the weekend, bank holidays and holiday periods where the site is left unmanned
  • Inability to rely on alarm systems due to the location and high value of the goods

Our guards can successfully cover the security needs of any industrial or warehouse facility. We have licensed guards that can patrol sites, monitor CCTV, respond to emergencies and set alarms. We also place numerous warning boards to hot spots on your site to create an additional visual deterrent to discourage criminals from entering the site.

We will assess your site to determine what route to security coverage is required. This is a complimentary part of our service and vital to assuring how the site works and where the problem areas may be.

Our guards will maintain a rigorous access control system to ensure all visitors, delivery drivers, labourers, management, and facilities staff provide identification upon arrival and sign in and out of the building. They will endorse all company policies and ensure the importance of wearing identification always is re-iterated to all staff.

Our security team can set up random searches of staff lockers and bags to ensure these ‘shrinkages’ are minimised. Our guards follow strict protocol on how to conduct these searches and we can supply male and female guards to complete the searches where necessary.

We will ensure our guards hold a valid  licence and are fire marshal and first aid trained to deal with any emergency situations that may arise when they may be alone on your site. We will make it our responsibility to provide the guards with a workshop which will run through several scenarios that can occur on industrial and warehouse sites, so that they are comfortable to deal with a variety of situations.

Our guards will involve themselves fully in how your business operates and will be able to cover reception duties as well as providing back-up to on-site staff during the day or night. It is also essential for our guards to take the responsibility of maintaining the site during their shift to ensure the goods and stock are never at risk. They can do this by checking:

  • Any perishable goods are kept fresh
  • The site is secure during extreme weather conditions
  • No items have become dislodged or are damaged or faulty
  • Note down any injury’s or incidents that may occur
  • Deterring any vandalism

Our guards will be always dressed in our full uniform. This will allow them to perform their task as a member of authority and as a visual deterrent. They will receive a comprehensive induction to ensure they can deal with fire, fault and intruder alarm systems confidently on their own without interrupting your site staff out of hours.

In addition to security guarding, our supervisor will also visit your site to ensure the guard is performing their duties. They will also act as a mobile patrol to ensure areas of your site that can not be covered by foot are appropriately checked.

Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, so we are open to hear all the ways you would like us to secure your site and can offer great advice and cost-effective solutions for the benefit of a safer environment for all.